Imagined & Crafted by Corina’s own heart and hands, “THE GYPSY” Journal is a Limited Edition Original Work of Art that can be passed down for generations. An instant Corina Collectors item, this sculpted Journal will include a personal dedication to you written and signed by the Artist herself.
Journal Pre-Gallery price to start at $425 for the General Public. AVAILABLE NOW EXCLUSIVELY to KITTENZ for $325.00 plus shipping and handling. This offer is for a limited time only.
*** As the Journals are MADE TO ORDER no returns are accepted. If there is a problem with your order please contact us at info@corinakattayala.com. Please allow 2-3 weeks for delivery. ***
ART is a most precious form of expression because it lives in everything we do. It’s in our clothes, our food, our language, our culture and is a part of everything that we are. ART, in its purest form, is an energy, a vibration that you don't just see or hear, BUT FEEL. Pure Art is a vibration that creates and becomes a love message from the heart that cannot be faked, copied or duplicated and is authentic to the Artist themselves. It is born through those of us who allow ourselves to be a channel for this energy, a vibration that comes through us and into the world as ART where it can live on, forever, far after we are gone.
“THE GYPSY”, is Katt ART, an 8.5 X 11 Journal I created to be a safe space for my work, personal thoughts, dreams and life experiences. Where do you find a book special enough to do all that? For me it came through a most magnificent Angel who forever touches and lives in my heart, my friend, Kristofer. He taught me this journal art in 1992.
The GYPSY is life energy, creative vibration that has been channeled through me and is now offered to you as Katt ART, a place where you can keep safe your inner most thoughts, dreams and aspirations. This many years later, I send them out into the world.
For those of you who will get to experience this One-of-Kind droplet from my heart, “THE GYPSY”, I THANK YOU!!!